Fruit SA is a non-profit company (NPC) registered as an umbrella body for the South African fruit industry.
Fruit SA strives for a competitive, equitable and sustainable SA fruit industry.
Our objectives
- Maintain Fruit SA as the collective platform for the SA fruit industry.
- Engage constructively with government and other strategic stakeholders on policy, legislation and other fruit industry matters.
- Promote transformation through coordination of BEE, skills development, and training.
- Collate and communicate key industry-related information to industry stakeholders and the broader public.
- Provide a platform for electronic certification.

profitable, sustainable and equitable fruit industry in South Africa.
Our members

The Citrus Growers Association (CGA) aims to maximise the long-term profitability of its members by (amongst other things): providing the industry with access to global markets; optimising cost effective production of quality fruit; continual commitment to research; development and communication with all stakeholders.

The Fresh Produce Exporters’ Forum (FPEF) is a voluntary, non-profit organisation with more than 130 members, accounting for over 90% of fresh produce exported from South Africa.

Hortgro is the South African deciduous fruit industry’s knowledge partner, with the goal of keeping growers informed, growing and transforming the industry, and making sure SA fruit is of great quality, and produced in the right way.

The South African Table Grape Industry (SATI) intends to become a progressive growth-oriented industry representative, in the global table grape market, recognised as a global leader in the Table Grape Industry and an authentic leader in the South African agricultural sector.

The South African Subtropical Growers’ Association (Subtrop) is an association of associations that manages the affairs of the South African Avocado (SAAGA), litchi (SALGA) and mango (SAMGA) grower associations.

Berries ZA serves as a collective platform for South African berry producers to address common challenges for the benefit of the industry. The association represents blueberry, blackberry and raspberry producers.

Fruit Exports from SA

Jobs in the sector

Fruit receiving countries